Technical Analysis

EUR/USD Price Analysis – Feb 26, 2024

By LonghornFX Technical Analysis
Feb 26, 20243 min

Daily Price Outlook

Despite hawkish remarks from US Federal Reserve officials and a bullish US dollar, the EUR/USD currency pair maintained its upward trend and remained bullish around the 1.0831 level. However, the bullish momentum of the euro could be attributed to hawkish remarks from the European Central Bank (ECB), suggesting delayed monetary policy easing. This signals confidence in the Eurozone economy, stabilizing interest rates, and potentially strengthening the currency. This can be witnessed after several ECB policymakers stated they will wait for more evidence of inflation data before easing monetary policy. On the other hand, the US dollar is gaining momentum on the back of the Fed's hawkish stance, seen as a key factor that caps further gains in the EUR/USD pair.

European Central Bank's Cautious Monetary Policy Stance

On the Euro front, European Central Bank (ECB) is keeping an eye on inflation to decide if they need to adjust monetary policy. If inflation goes down in the first few months of the year, they might consider easing it further. However, they're waiting to see if wages go up before deciding what to do next as rising wages can lead to increased consumer spending and inflation, prompting central banks to consider tightening monetary policy to control inflation.

Some policymakers prefer to wait for more data before deciding anything. They're being cautious to ensure their decisions are based on solid evidence, aiming to keep the eurozone economies stable and growing steadily. Therefore, the cautious approach of ECB policymakers suggests a focus on maintaining economic stability and growth, which could be positive for shared currency. Whereas, the uncertainty surrounding timing and differing views may introduce some volatility, making the impact on the EUR currency unclear.

Federal Reserve's Cautious Approach Impacting Dollar's Direction

On the US front, the broad-based US dollar remains strong as the Federal Reserve is taking a cautious approach, possibly delaying interest rates cuts. Fed officials are closely monitoring inflation but are waiting for more data to confirm if it's temporary or lasting. Some, like John C. Williams, lean towards raising rates, while others, like Christopher J. Waller, suggest waiting to see if high inflation persists

Therefore, the strength of the US dollar is likely to exert downward pressure on the EUR/USD pair due to increased demand for the dollar.

EUR/USD Price Chart - Source: Tradingview
EUR/USD Price Chart - Source: Tradingview

EUR/USD - Technical Analysis

The EUR/USD pair exhibited a slight uptick in the latest trading session, nudging upward by 0.03% to position itself at 1.08206. This minor gain reflects the currency pair's subtle momentum within a tightly contested market landscape, as indicated in the four-hour chart analysis. The pivot point, established at 1.08147, serves as the foundational marker from which traders might discern potential directional moves.

Technical analysis reveals immediate resistance levels at 1.08576, 1.08872, and 1.09269, suggesting potential ceilings that could limit upward movements. Conversely, support levels at 1.07907, 1.07615, and 1.07331 provide a safety net against downward price action. The Relative Strength Index (RSI), standing at 57, indicates a market that is neither overbought nor oversold, suggesting balanced trading conditions.

The 50-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) at 1.07993 closely aligns with the current price level, reinforcing the upward trend's support. This technical setup advocates for a cautiously optimistic outlook on EUR/USD, suggesting a buying trend might be underway.

Considering this analysis, the proposed strategy for engaging with the EUR/USD market includes initiating a buy position above 1.08127, aiming for a take-profit target at 1.08523, while setting a stop loss at 1.07858 to manage potential downside risks. This approach underscores a nuanced understanding of the market's current dynamics, offering a calculated pathway for capitalizing on the observed bullish sentiment.



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