Technical Analysis

USD/JPY Price Analysis – Sep 19, 2023

By LonghornFX Technical Analysis
Sep 19, 20233 min

Daily Price Outlook

The USD/JPY currency pair witnessed some buying interest on Tuesday but has been struggling to make significant gains. It is currently trading around 147.70, up just slightly for the day. Notably, the pair reached its highest level since November 2022 last week but has not been able to maintain that momentum.

However, traders seems cautious and staying on the sidelines as they await important central bank events this week, particularly the Federal Reserve (FOMC) and the Bank of Japan (BoJ) rate decisions. These events are seen as crucial, and investors are holding off on making big moves until they have more clarity on central bank policies.

At the time of writing, the USD/JPY currency pair is trading at 147.68 level and consolidating in the range between 147.50 - 147.93.

Fed Expected to Maintain Cautious Stance: Impact on USD/JPY

It's worth noting that the Federal Reserve is set to announce its decision on Wednesday, and most people expect them to keep things as they are. However, the market believes that the Fed will stick to its more cautious approach, keeping interest rates relatively high for an extended period. This expectation is keeping US Treasury bond yields up, which, in turn, is helping the US Dollar (USD) stay strong. As a result, the USD/JPY pair is benefiting, with the USD holding its ground after a recent dip from a six-month high. This all suggests ongoing support for the USD/JPY currency pair.

USD/JPY Traders Cautious Amid BoJ Speculation

Another factor affecting the USD/JPY currency pair's gains is the speculation surrounding a potential shift in the Bank of Japan's (BoJ) dovish stance. BoJ Governor Kazuo Ueda recently hinted in an interview with Yomiuri newspaper that they might consider ending their negative interest rate policy if they become confident that prices and wages will continue rising steadily. This statement has raised expectations that the BoJ could gradually move away from its ultra-loose monetary policy, creating uncertainty in the market and causing some traders to hold back on placing bullish bets on the USD/JPY pair.

Looking forward, all eyes are on the Bank of Japan (BoJ) policy meeting set for Friday. Investors await signals about the BoJ's plans regarding its negative interest rate policy, which could significantly impact the Japanese Yen and reshape the direction of the USD/JPY currency pair. Moreover, US housing market data like Building Permits and Housing Starts will also offer short-term trading opportunities.

USD/JPY Price Chart – Source: Tradingview
USD/JPY Price Chart – Source: Tradingview

USD/JPY - Technical Analysis

The USD/JPY pair demonstrates consistent movement around the 147.86 mark, encountering challenges in surpassing it. Notably, the stochastic oscillator is now exhibiting a positive convergence, potentially propelling the pair to breach the aforementioned level and aim for our subsequent target at 149.00.

The prevailing bullish channel underpins the anticipated upward trajectory, contingent upon the price's ability to remain stable above the 147.30 threshold. For today, we project a trading range between the support level of 147.00 and a resistance at 148.70.



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